No one will ever contact you to sell you anything!!
- All of my selections will be based upon facts that are programed into the NFL Crusher system from our database. These picks are not our opinion, they are carefully calculated odds.
- You will be given 6-10 selections per week during the regular season, a few less during the playoffs.
- Selections will be released no later than 3-4 hours before the start of each game. Picks will be released in the morning for early games and again later that day for the later slated games.
- Occasionally I will release special parlay picks during the season for games that I feel very strong about in certain situations that the system might identify.
- Again, no one will EVER contact you in any way to sell you anything, that’s my promise!
- All of the selections lines ( point spreads and over/under totals) will be based upon lines provided by is a site that offers free access to the public.